Oman Agricultural Science and Modern technology training course to Zoomlion exchange visit

Oman Agricultural Science and Modern technology training course to Zoomlion exchange visit

(Summary description)

Oman Agricultural Science and Modern technology training course to Zoomlion exchange visit

(Summary description)


Recently, Zoomlion hosted a training course on agricultural technology and modern techniques, welcoming officials and technical experts from esteemed government departments including Muscat City Hall and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Water Resources of Oman for an exchange visit and inspection.



The training party visited Zoomlion Construction Machinery Museum and prototype exhibition area, deeply understood the development history and innovation achievements of the enterprise, and felt the vigorous development momentum of Zoomlion agricultural machinery by understanding the empowerment of modern technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, AI artificial intelligence and 5G on traditional agricultural machinery equipment.


At the symposium, Al Shehi, the student representative, said that the innovative development of Zoomlion's agricultural machinery sector was impressive, and he not only understood the advanced agricultural machinery and equipment, but also felt the power and vitality of scientific and technological innovation for the development of China's agricultural modernization.


In recent years, the Omani government has continuously introduced agricultural high and new technologies, and is committed to promoting the high-quality development of national agriculture. With the popularization of automation equipment and intelligent agriculture technology, local automation management of planting, irrigation, fertilization, disease and pest control and other links has been realized. Zoomlion's overall agricultural mechanization solution of "farming, planting, managing, harvesting and drying" can provide an effective boost to Oman's agricultural modernization.

This exchange and inspection activity not only provided a valuable learning opportunity for the participants of the Oman Agricultural Science and Modern Technology training course, but also demonstrated the innovative development achievements of Chinese agricultural machinery and equipment intelligent manufacturing enterprises represented by Zoomlion. In the future, Zoomlion will actively expand international agricultural science and technology cooperation and exchanges to provide better solutions for global agricultural modernization.



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