To Deepen Friendship and Cooperation, A High-level Delegation from the Dominican Republic Visited Zoomlion

To Deepen Friendship and Cooperation, A High-level Delegation from the Dominican Republic Visited Zoomlion

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To Deepen Friendship and Cooperation, A High-level Delegation from the Dominican Republic Visited Zoomlion

(Summary description)


Recently, Miguel Mejia, General Secretary of the Dominican Left Solidarity Movement, led a high-level Dominican delegation to visit Hunan. During their stay in Hunan, Mejia and his party made a special trip to visit Zoomlion. Wang Yongxiang, vice president of Zoomlion, and Zhang Chi, joint general manager of Zoomlion Agricultural Machinery, warmly received and accompanied the visit.

Mejia and his party had an in-depth understanding of the company's development history and innovation achievements at Zoomlion, and conducted detailed and in-depth exchanges on industrial technology cooperation and agricultural mechanization development. In the Zoomlion Smart Industry City, Mejia and his party also visited the smart factory built by Zoomlion with the most cutting-edge technology. The extraordinary strength and benchmark image of smart manufacturing displayed in it impressed the delegation very deeply.

Mejia said that the Dominican government attaches great importance to the development of agricultural modernization and has conducted a lot of research and investment in promoting agricultural mechanization. As a world-renowned equipment manufacturing enterprise, Zoomlion has provided active help and made outstanding contributions to the development of agricultural mechanization in Dominica. It is hoped that the two parties will continue to deepen cooperation on the basis of the good cooperation in the early stage and bear more fruits.

As a representative enterprise made in China, Zoomlion has long been widely recognized in the Dominican Republic. In 2021, on the basis of the profound friendship between China and the Dominican Republic, Zoomlion Agricultural Machinery donated agricultural machinery to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Dominican Republic to jointly realize the sustainable development of Dominican agriculture.
This year, Zoomlion competed on the same stage with world-class agricultural machinery brands from Europe, the United States, Japan and other countries and regions. Relying on its excellent product quality and service capabilities, it successfully won the bid for the bulk procurement project of agricultural machinery and equipment in Dominica, gaining value Tens of millions of agricultural machinery orders.

As a representative enterprise made in China, Zoomlion has long been widely recognized in the Dominican Republic. In 2021, on the basis of the profound friendship between China and the Dominican Republic, Zoomlion Agricultural Machinery donated agricultural machinery to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Dominican Republic to jointly realize the sustainable development of Dominican agriculture.
This year, Zoomlion competed on the same stage with world-class agricultural machinery brands from Europe, the United States, Japan and other countries and regions. Relying on its excellent product quality and service capabilities, it successfully won the bid for the bulk procurement project of agricultural machinery and equipment in Dominica, gaining value Tens of millions of agricultural machinery orders.


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