Zoomlion Agricultural Machinery Selected as “Excellent Director Unit ”of China Agricultural Machinery Society

Zoomlion Agricultural Machinery Selected as “Excellent Director Unit ”of China Agricultural Machinery Society

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Zoomlion Agricultural Machinery Selected as “Excellent Director Unit ”of China Agricultural Machinery Society

(Summary description)


Recently, the 60th Anniversary of China Agricultural Machinery Society and the 2023 Annual Academic Conference were held in Kunming. At the award ceremony for the 60th anniversary of the founding of China Agricultural Machinery Society, Zoomlion Agricultural Machinery was awarded the honor of "Excellent Director Unit".


In recent years, Zoomlion has continued to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the industry, accelerated the transformation and upgrading of agricultural machinery and equipment to intelligence, digitalization and greening, and successfully launched a series of innovative products such as China's first 15-kg large-feeding grain combine harvester, a 30-ton dryer equipped with intelligent drying technology, and new energy agricultural machinery represented by hybrid harvester and electric tractor, and set up several provincial key laboratories of green and intelligent agricultural machinery and equipment of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and other provincial key laboratories of green and intelligent agricultural equipment. It has established a number of provincial and ministerial-level R&D platforms, such as the Key Laboratory of Agricultural Machinery Equipment of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and left a splendid color in the development and inheritance of China's agricultural machinery industry.



In the future, Zoomlion will further strengthen its technological innovation capability, devote itself to the sustainable development of agricultural mechanization, and contribute more to the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization and the construction of a strong agricultural country.


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