Zoomlion Tractor Delivers to the World's Largest Sugar Manufacturing Enterprise

Zoomlion Tractor Delivers to the World's Largest Sugar Manufacturing Enterprise

(Summary description)

Zoomlion Tractor Delivers to the World's Largest Sugar Manufacturing Enterprise

(Summary description)


Recently, Zoomlion successfully delivered the first batch of RS1304 tractor product orders to Thailand's KTIS Group, the largest sugar company in the world, marking a new level for the company's agricultural machinery business in the Thai market.

The first batch of RS1304 tractors delivered this time will be put into use at the Nakhon Sawan Sugar Factory with the highest daily production capacity in the world under the KTIS Group, providing a strong boost to the mechanization of the sugar factory in sugarcane planting and production. The group started testing and comparing various brands of tractors for nine months starting in March last year. Zoomlion’s RS1304 tractor stood out with its best overall performance and was favored and affirmed by KTIS Group.
It is understood that Zoomlion tractors and sugarcane harvesters have attracted the attention of local customers due to their excellent quality, wide applicability and powerful performance once they debuted in the Thai market, and quickly won a large number of orders. It has been well received after use.

The relevant person in charge of KTIS Group said that in addition to the excellent overall performance of the products, the reason for choosing Zoomlion’s agricultural machinery products is that Zoomlion is a world-renowned brand and has complete localized sales and services in Thailand. Secure layout. In the future, KTIS Group will carry out more cooperation with Zoomlion in the mechanization of sugarcane production.
According to reports, Zoomlion’s RS1304 wheeled tractor has strong power, high reliability, large torque reserve coefficient, and good fuel economy; it has the ideal working speed required for various operations, with higher operating efficiency and better results; the product The dual-cylinder strong-pressure lifting device is adopted, which has a large lifting force and can well meet the needs of various operations for strong lifting force; at the same time, the RS1304 tractor has a wide range of supporting equipment, which is more suitable for supporting large-scale equipment for farmland operations.

As the second largest economy in Southeast Asia, Thailand is an important partner of my country's "Belt and Road" strategy. With the continuous deepening of cooperation between the two sides, the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Thailand has also entered a new stage. Zoomlion will take this opportunity to study customer needs, deepen the local market, continue to promote the localization strategy, create greater value with better products and services, and jointly build the Belt and Road.


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